Sunday Service: Greeters Needed! Sign up for March and April now...

We need you! For each Sunday, we need 2 - 4 greeters. Greeters now play a slightly different role in ministry. We need two people to sit at the two sign-in tables (one at each door) and help people sign in, choose a name tag, and make sure they are masked. We also need one to two people to float and welcome any guest and answer questions. Please sign up! Contact Kris T at and let her know what Sundays you are available. We’ll train you!

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Kristin Reveal
December Share the Plate: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest at Your Table

Our Share the Plate partner for December is the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest At Your Table Program. UUSC works around the world to advance human rights and social justice, transforming our UU values into action. GNUUC has a long tradition of celebrating our UUSC Guests. The theme of this year’s program is “Now is the Time for Courageous Change.”

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Social JusticeKris Thresher
From the Board: New Indoor Hybrid Meeting Policy Summary

The Board has passed an Indoor Hybrid Meeting policy! With certain precautions, we can now gather indoors. We encourage everyone who can to get vaccinated. Masks are required. Stay home if your sick. Whenever possible, especially for worship, remote options will be available. We’ll do our best to make our building safer. Trust yourself - you are the best judge of your comfort and safety. For details, click Read More.

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GovernanceKristin Reveal
Our November 2021 Share the Plate Partner is The Tennessee Equality Project

The Tennessee Equality Project Foundation provides educational and awareness programming in Tennessee to advance the inclusion and equality of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people in our state. They monitor and analyze state legislation related to the LGBTQ community, conduct voter registration, advocacy training, sensitivity training, and work against bullying. They also educate the public about state preemption of local government.

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Social JusticeKris Thresher
What is a Hybrid Service?

During a hybrid service, you can attend either in person or virtually. The goal of the hybrid service is to make the experience of attending a service as similar as possible whether you were attending in person or virtually. If you are attending virtually, you will be able to see, and to be seen. You will be able to see the speaker, the pulpit and the surrounding area, you will be able to see the chalice and people who come up to share joys and concerns. You will be able to hear the speaker, music, and questions and comments from those in attendance, and joys and concerns. You will be able to share joys and concerns much as we have done in virtual services, and those attending in person will be able to see and hear you—Zoom will be projected on the screen in the sanctuary. Attending virtually or in person, you will see and hear, and be seen and be heard.

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Are you ready to be back to worship in person?

Are you ready to be back to worship in person? Do you appreciate the work folks have been putting in to bring us together each Sunday?

We've all benefited from the work of a dedicated few. Sadly, the time has come for some of those dedicated volunteers to move on to their next adventures. To keep our services strong and moving toward coming together, we need others willing to pick up the mantle.

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Virtual Quilt Project: Email Photo to Kristin by Friday

As we nurture our connections together this fall, let’s build a virtual quilt together! This activity is inspired by the Threads of Connection virtual quilt project put on by the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. For our quilt, you are invited to create your own quilt square that represents who you are. What makes you special? What do you love about our community? What are you proud of? What do you believe in? Click Read More for how to participate.

The virtual quilt will be a part of the service on Sunday.

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CommunityKristin Reveal
Oct. 31 Fall Festival Service Sunday: Jimmy John’s Boxed Lunch Order Form (order due by Thursday, Oct. 28)

Are you joining us onsite at GNUUC for the Fall Festival Service Sunday? Order a boxed lunch from Jimmy Johns! Our group order will be delivered at noon. Items include:
Boxed lunches from Jimmy John's. The cost is $10 and includes your choice of turkey or veggie sandwich, chips, cookie, and bottled water. Please order by noon on Thursday, October 28. Click “Read More” to order.

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October Share the Plate: Room In The Inn

Before the pandemic, GNUUC volunteered in Room In The Inn’s Winter Shelter program. The pandemic is increasing homelessness, threatening the health of the homeless, and making providing services to the homeless more difficult. Room In The Inn can use our financial support all the more this year. Please give generously!

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Social JusticeKris Thresher