Greater Nashville UU has been a longtime Room In The Inn partner, and we need to decide whether or not to continue our work as a host congregation, providing overnight accommodations and meals to a small group once a month.
Read MoreDo we need a new stadium for the Tennessee Titans? City leaders are hashing out the details, sometimes behind closed doors. The people of Nashville deserve to get all the facts & weigh in!
Join NOAH's Economic Equity & Jobs Taskforce for a Community Forum on Sept 25. Bring your questions for our panel.
Read MoreA big welcome back to the Sai Group, who will be renting the RE building on Sunday afternoons starting at 2:30pm. They love our updated space and have already had a work day to weed and clean up our grounds. They are excited about possible joint projects we might do with our space in the future. If you see them, introduce yourself and say, "hi!."
Read MoreAt GNUUC we have a long-standing tradition of supporting Nashville CARES through our enthusiastic participation in its annual AIDS Walk fundraising. Their mission is to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Middle Tennessee.
Our goal this year is to raise over $1,000! Donations under $100 go to Share the Plate, with 50% going to Nashville Cares and 50% going to the GNUUC Plate. Donations of $100 or more go to the Direct Donor Fund, with 100% going to Nashville Cares.
This year, an outdoor AIDS Walk and Nashville Cares festival are planned for Saturday, October 1. Festivities start at 8 AM and go until 2 PM. We’ll send out an update when we know exactly when the walk is (usually in the morning). To join our Team of Walkers and/or donate directly to Nashville Cares via our Team, go to (link: )
Click Read More for ways to donate.
Read MoreIn the last couple of weeks of August, we are finishing our Summer Song Series. In September, we’ll continue with our Soul Matters series. September’s theme is “The Path of Belonging.”
Sunday, September 4: Interactive Service introducing Soul Matters Theme: All Ages Welcome
11 AM: Join us for an interactive service that introduces the Soul Matters theme. This service is designed for all ages and contains short, interactive components. We also encourage those of all ages to participate. If you would like to volunteer, contact Kristin R.
Light brunch after Service: Stay after the service for a light brunch.
Sunday, September 11: “Vision of Ministry” service, CRE starts, potluck!
Join us for Worship service at 11 AM. The board will be sharing its “Vision of Ministry” for the new year.
Children and Youth - join us for the new academic year in Children’s RE! Classes start on September 11. First, join the Worship service through the Time for All Sages. Then continue to the CRE building for class. Registration information coming soon.
Potluck after Service/Classes: Join us for a celebration potluck lunch after the Worship service and CRE classes.
Read MoreThe RE Building Improvements are complete! We are excited to have children, teen, and adult programming in the RE Building again this year. Check out the photos!
Read MoreUse our new Campus Incident Report Form to help us monitor what's happening on our campus.
Read MoreWhen Dr. Levine suggested in her recent Sunday homily that we probably all have had moments of shamelessness, this memory was sitting there waiting to be shared.
Read MoreUU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives by the Unitarian Universalist Association. We support congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands to mobilize voters, counter voter suppression, and engage in spiritually grounded, values-based issue conversations with voters in their communities. Please give, to share the plate.
Read MoreCOVID cases in Davidson County are currently high. Please do not attend in person if you have any symptoms OR test positive, or if you have had direct exposure to someone with COVID in the past week. If we receive several self-reports from attendees of the prior Sunday, we will move Sunday services to virtual only.
Per our policy, please let our Office Administrator, Kris T., know if you have COVID symptoms or test positive for COVID-19. Email or call 615-673-7699 and leave a message. (Both of these go directly to Kris T’s email.) All self-reports will remain confidential.
When attending in person, make sure to sign in at one of the two doors to the Main building, or at the door to the RE building.
Masks when inside the building (Main or RE) are required.
Read MoreThe directories are here! You may pick up a copy on Sunday mornings, if you want one or we can email a pdf. Contact for information.
Read MoreGreater Nashville UU Congregation is pleased to announce its 2022-2023 Board: President Tina C., Vice-President: Caren S-S., Secretary: Bonnie G., Treasurer: Ryan D., and Members-at-large: Theresa T-K, Sandy B, and Eddie B. The new board starts service on July 1st.
Read MoreRelationships enrich and inform my learning about nature.
Read MoreEarlier today, the Supreme Court of the United States handed down its decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case. The final opinion effectively overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated federal protections for abortion. Each state will now be able to independently regulate abortion, with at least 26 states poised to entirely ban abortion care beginning immediately.
Read MoreOur Share the Plate partner this month is Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi, one of Tennessee's oldest and largest private, nonprofit health care agencies. For over 75 years, PPTNM has remained committed to providing high-quality, affordable reproductive services and education throughout Tennessee, North Mississippi, and part of Arkansas.
Read MoreThe Unitarian Universalist General Assembly is this week!
General Assembly is Wed, June 22 to Sun, June 26!
Did you know you can watch the General Sessions and all the daily Worship Services via livestream? If you want to watch the livestream of GA (no registration required), go here:
You can also follow posts that attendees share and chat among us about GA in our NashvilleUU Slack channel. See #ga2022. If you need an invitation to Slack, let Kristin R know (
Click Read More below for a schedule of events.
Read MoreJust Us is a group of programs at Oasis Center dedicated to helping lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth to achieve their full potential. Just Us provides LGBTQ+ students a liberating space where they can be authentic and celebrate the fluidity of identity. Please give generously to provide LGBTQ+ youth, who often face public intolerance and rejection, an Oasis of welcome.
Read MoreUpdate: This is the final week to submit address changes and photos for our Members and Friends photo directory. We’ve had Breeze send Members & Friends an email to you with your current contact info. Confirm the information is correct. If it is not, reply to the email with changes.
If you don’t see the email, check your spam folder. Or contact Kristin R and she can email you directly (
We would like to distribute new paper copies of our Members & Friends directory soon!
Existing Members & Friends: You can also check your information in Breeze. If you would like to update your photo, you can do so in Breeze OR get a new photo on Sundays after the service - find Kristin R.
New Members & Friends: (or those who can’t remember how to log into Breeze) You can also click Read More and fill out the Directory Information Card to give us your information, if you would like to be included. You can upload a photo using the form, or ask Kristin R. to take a new photo on Sundays after the service. Kristin R. will also then send you an invite to Breeze.
Read MoreAs the weather heats up, the garden stays cool in the shade.
Read More