March 6, 2024

“I’m moved to tenderness by what we cannot bare, 
Humbled by the things we can and do and learn to share.”
–Carrie Newcomer, “Angels Unawares”


I have just returned from spending a few days with a couple of friends who have known me over the course of more than forty years. I probably could not overstate the deep comfort I feel in their company, and yet we are in some ways mysteries to each other. Our conversations veer between shared history and well-developed knowledge of each other and moments of realization that we each hold experiences and tender spots that are individually ours alone and may or may not be shareable. 

This is just the way it is to be human together, I think–even, or perhaps especially, in communities like Greater Nashville UU. We know and love and support and hold each other; we are also in significant ways our own interior selves, never fully known. I am in awe both of what we learn to share with each other and of the unexpressed depths and varieties of experience that make each of us our own whole and holy selves.

Yours in tenderness and humility,

Rev. Denise

P.S. Did you know that our Board posts notes from its monthly meeting? You can find them in this weekly email on the 4th Wednesday of every month. If you missed them last week, you can read them here.

MinisterDenise Gyauch