Religious Education & COvenant Groups


For Unitarian Universalists, religious education programs include more than classes. Programs may incorporate social justice and community service activities, worship opportunities, or creating art to share with the congregation.

In a Religious Education class, children and adults develop life long learning and growth on topics such as UU theology and faith formation, life issues, lay leadership, spirituality, and social justice.

In a Covenant Group, groups of 10-12 people meet regularly to reflect on and discuss significant life topics. Over time, participants build deep connections with one another, with the congregation and with the sacred.

ANNOUNCEMENTS & Upcoming Events

Children and Youth Programming

Children’s religious education programs are typically offered on Sunday mornings. You might find preschoolers singing a song about making new friends, elementary aged children engaging with a story about loss and bereavement, or older youth speaking to the congregation about their plan to raise money for a local homeless shelter.

 Learn abut Children’s Religious Education

Adult Programming

Adults experience spiritual growth through one of our Covenant Groups or an Adult religious education classes.


The covenant groups will remain open for the first two sessions, and then will become closed groups as of the third sessions.

  • Women's Covenant Group: 1stThursdays, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Adult Religious Education

Please check with Kristin R. about what groups are currently meeting.

  • Wednesday Night RE: monthly Spiritual Practices group

  • Common Read

  • Sunday Morning Group: Practical UU