How Would You Like Communications?
Over the course of Summer 2018 we are updating our GNUUC website (the first way that curious people begin “church shopping” these days). We’re also exploring the best ways to communicate to members, friends and visitors at GNUUC about the events and opportunities for connection and service here.
Currently we share information via::
The weekly e-blast (and occasional Friday e-blast updates)
The Great News (monthly newsletter)
Our website
Our social media (GNUUC Facebook page, Twitter)
The Calendar insert in the Order of Service
Announcements after the worship services on Sunday.
We often hear that people “do not have time” to read the newsletter, and believe that the time has come to let go of this traditional monthly format in favor of more brief and timely communications.
What is most helpful to you in terms of communications from GNUUC?
Please email Rev. Carmen Emerson and Kris Thresher, Office Administrator to let us know. (Contact Us)