Social Justice - Outreach - Volunteering

About the Social Action Team

The Greater Nashville UU Social Action ministry serves as a catalyst for peace and social justice to realize the seven UU principles within our fellowship, the Metro Nashville area, our country, and the global community.

Interested in joining the team? Contact Doug L. or Nancy C.

This year our Social Action Team is actively engaged with the following:

  • NOAH (Nashville Organized for Action and Hope)

  • Nashville Pride Festival

  • Nashville Cares AIDS Walk

  • Room in the Inn


Share the Plate Program

The Social Action Team organizes the Share the Plate Program.

The Share the Plate program splits all cash and checks with the memo "Share the Plate" between the congregation general fund and a non-profit organization.

Interested in nominating a 501c3 organization for the Share the Plate program? Fill out the Share the Plate Nomination form.

Read the Share the Plate Policy.

About The Room at the Inn Team


Room in the Inn


GNUUC provides dinner, a warm place to sleep, breakfast, and a lunch bag to eight homeless guests on the first Thursday of every month here at our church as part of the Room in the Inn program.

If you haven't had the opportunity to serve, this is the time! Our church home comes alive to its mission when we open our doors, and this is the last night for the year for the program at GNUUC.

We will be walking new volunteers through every step of the process. Come join us and lay out beds and supplies, or pick up guests downtown at Room in the Inn, or make and serve a warm, home-cooked meal, or spend the night as an Innkeeper, or drive our guests back to Room in the Inn, or put the church back in order later in the morning.

To Volunteer, contact: Nathaniel B.