Donate to Greater Nashville UU Virtually: Learn How!
Did you know you can donate to Greater Nashville UU using our Online Donation Form?
Your donation will be automatically entered into our Breeze member database. We can email a statement to you at any time!
Donations can be made towards your pledge, Share the Plate, Senior Graduation Jars, restricted accounts, and more!
To use this form:
1) Enter the dollar amount in the $ box.
2) Click “by Credit/Debit” to pop open a box. Then, choose “by Credit/Debit” or “by ACH/Bank Transfer.”
3) Click “Sustaining Pledge” to pop open a box. Choose one of the account, including “Share the Plate.”
4) Option 1: If you chose “by Credit/Debit” enter in card number information, plus your name, email, and address.
4) Option 2: If you choose “by ACH Bank” enter bank information, plus your name, email, and address.
5) Make sure that this is a “one time gift.” To change to a recurring gift, click “one time gift” to pop open a box and choose a different frequency.
6) After all information has been entered, click the “Donate Now” button.
If you are already in Breeze, your donation will show up under your account. If you are not in Breeze, we will be prompted to add you. Email Kristin R. and she can send you a Breeze invite.
We can email you a donation statement at any time.