Save the Date: GNUUC SPRING RETREAT: May 1st (Friday) through May 3rd, 2020

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YOU ARE NEEDED! help make this retreat a success.

Please contact Cynthia, Mary Hinton or Denise Graves if you have suggestions or ideas for workshops. We also need people to lead workshops on some areas of expertise, hobby, or interest. Some past workshops that have been successful are flower arranging, art projects, and intergenerational games and activities.

Second, we need members to volunteer to prepare the breakfasts and lunches. Those who have done it in the past can guide you through what's required, and you needn't pay for the meal, just organize volunteers and plan the meals. It's a great way to get to know others and to feel a part of things.

You can contact Cynthia at with questions or ideas, or email or catch up at church with Denise or Mary.

CommunityKris Thresher