Dec. 11-12: Compass, Navigating the Paths to Liberation Together, is this weekend!

UUA: COMPASS, Navigating the Paths to Liberation Together

Wish you could attend Compass, but your schedule does not allow it?

Did you know that registration gives you access to material even after the event?

What is Compass? Compass is a 2-day virtual event. See the programming details here! See our fantastic speakers for the weekend here!

It all leads to the Article II Study Commission Interactive Presentation on Sunday afternoon!!  One of several opportunities to engage with the Article II Study Commission about how our shared theology informs our covenants toward our vision of a beloved community rooted in liberation.

While we would love it if you could make it this weekend - we have made it easy for you to watch the presentations, Rising Appalachia (Trio) concert, theme speakers, UU response, and Sunday worship service on your own time. We will be using Whova, the interactive platform that was used at New Day Rising and General Assembly 2021.

Your registration will give you access to the materials - to watch on your own time!

The Sunday Worship service can be downloaded from the Whova app for later use in your congregation in 2022.

Register today for access to this incredible weekend of programming! Registration fees are on a sliding scale, from $25 to $60, based on your assessment of your ability to pay.

Please visit the Compass webpage for additional information. We hope to see you this weekend!

CommunityKris Thresher