Gems Update

When we stepped outside into snow this morning, I thought of all of you and the hanging of the greens and the Christmas Eve service. Several of you have checked in, so I thought I'd send a general update.

We left Nashville on Thanksgiving morning for the long drive to Rochester. We bought a house built in 1900, so we're all getting used to creaky floors and stained glass windows and a giant attic where all manner of "treasurers" can be stored and forgotten about.

The transition has gone smoothly and everyone seems happy and comfortable. We can easily walk and bike for anything we need here, which has made exploring the neighborhoods great fun.

Our new address is in Breeze and if you find yourself up this way we hope you will let us know.

GNUUC still fills my thoughts often. Thank you for all you each do to make the world better. And thank you for all you have done to make my family's life better and more meaningful.

Always with love,

Jennie and The Gems

CommunityKris Thresher