February Share the Plate: Tennessee Justice Center
The Tennessee Justice Center’s goal is health justice and equity, achieved when every person, regardless of race, income, education, gender or other status, has access to what they need to be healthy. TJC works with clients to help them get the food and healthcare they need. TJC advocates that laws and policies honor the value and potential of every person.
The Affordable Care Act plans have a minimum income requirement to qualify. People below minimum income rely on the state Medicaid program. The TN Medicaid program (TennCare) is very restrictive and resists providing services that are automatically provided in other states. The TJC provides advice and legal counsel to people applying for TennCare coverage, and advocates for reform of TennCare to make it more accessible to the poor.
Tennessee lawmakers repeatedly and relentlessly threaten vital programs for our most vulnerable neighbors, showing disregard for the financial security and health of families, the dignity of older adults, and the nutritional needs of low-income children. TJC was active in opposing the proposal by Tennessee to convert its Medicaid program to a block grant program, recently approved by the federal Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Tennessee COVID-19 Help
If you need assistance during this time, visit TJC’s directory of resources for information about eligibility for various public programs, food assistance, and more. Click here. As the COVID-19 vaccine is distributed in phases and prioritizes by group, use this tool to find out what phase you belong to.
As public health restrictions become more prevalent, we are actively calling for informed policies that will consider all Tennesseans – including those that are uninsured, can’t afford childcare, and can’t afford to not go to work without paid sick leave.
The COVID-19 pandemic must be taken seriously to ensure the future health of our state. If our leaders fail to put good policies into place, COVID-19 will harm our state’s economy.