December Share the Plate: Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest at Your Table

Our Share the Plate partner for December is the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest At Your Table Program. UUSC works around the world to advance human rights and social justice, transforming our UU values into action. GNUUC has a long tradition of celebrating our UUSC Guests. The theme of this year’s program is “Now is the Time for Courageous Change.” 

The injustices and crises we are living through, including COVID-19, climate change, and institutionalized racism, underscore the importance of our shared goal – a world free from oppression, where all can realize their full human rights. They also emphasize just how big a task that is.

To meet the enormous challenges of today and build a more just future, we need big ideas and bold change. We must fundamentally transform the way things are, so that we do not perpetuate systemic inequities and repeat the harms of the past.

UUSC believes that the transformational solutions we need come from the communities most directly impacted by injustice. Join us for this year’s Guest at Your Table program to learn what UUSC partners are doing to address immediate injustices – as well as what they envision for the future. Each Sunday this month, we will meet one of our four guests. Their stories, also featured in the Stories of Hope booklet, will offer inspiration and guidance on the path toward justice.

Please give generously to Share the Plate this month to support the work of UUSC and its partners!

Social JusticeKris Thresher