GNUUC Room In The Inn Winter Shelter Coordinator needed!

Room In The Inn is a citywide program that pairs folks in need of warm overnight housing during the cold months of the year (November through March) with folks who have unused space during cold winter nights–like local faith congregations. Greater Nashville UU has been a longtime Room In The Inn partner, and we need to decide whether or not to continue our work as a host congregation, providing overnight accommodations and meals to a small group once a month.

Most immediately, we need to identify someone in the congregation to serve as coordinator for GNUUC. This person will be responsible for 1) communicating with Room In The Inn, and 2) organizing GNUUC volunteers for driving, setup, cooking, packing lunches, hosting, laundry, etc. (Remember, this is just once a month for 4 months, and it can be very satisfying to provide hospitality.)

If you think you might be interested in serving as our local Room In The Inn Coordinator, please contact Rev. Denise soon–cold weather (believe it or not) approaches.