Now you can text to pay for lunch!
Read MoreRachel, Patrick, Bella, and Chloe are moving to Spring Hill this Saturday, and they could use your support and muscles. If you are available to help for any amount of time on that day, please contact Rachel. Her number can be found in Breeze.
Additionally, if you know someone who would be interested in a short-term housing in Mt. Juliet, please have them talk to Rachel.
Thanks for your support as Bella continues to grow stronger and Rachel works to keep everyone growing, learning, and healing.
Do you have a love of storytelling?
Our Time for All Sages Team is recruiting new members. Consider volunteering to prepare the Time for All Sages story once a month or once a quarter. To find out more come to the Sunday, October 13th, Time for All Sages Meeting at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary. Or contact Jennifer Cates-Seidel or Caren Spencer-Smith, members of the team.
Read MoreThe Women’s Covenant Group will be open to new members at its next meeting, September 12, beginning at 2:30 PM and meeting in the RE building. The group uses the Soul Matters curriculum and meets twice monthly. Members make a commitment to prepare for each meeting, to attend all meetings for the upcoming quarter if it all possible, and to treat the conversations at meetings as confidential. See Sandy Blanz, Carol Looney, or Denise Graves for more information.
Read MoreNew color in the memorial garden.
Read MoreClick to “Read More” below to read the latest news from the Healthy Congregation Team!
Read MoreBella's latest testing shows no evidence of disease!
Read MoreThe congregation is invited to meet Dr. Mugilan during the Credo meeting, 9:30 to 10:45.
Read MoreWe are now accepting donations for GOAL 2 August Beautification of the Building. If you would like to donate to the Beautification efforts, please write a check to GNUUC and put “FLUSH” in the memo line. The amount needed for GOAL 2 is $2,310 ($3,110 less $800 from B&G). We have commitments from individuals and other congregational accounts for $750! Thank you to those individuals and team leaders who have stepped forward. That leaves us with $1,560 that still needs to be generated for GOAL 2. Please be generous!
Read MoreRachel Sumner presents a six-week program on literacy skills for children 3 to 5 and a grown-up. This is done thru music, movement and drama at Bellevue Library.
Read MoreClick for details on who is hosted lunch each Sunday. We still need volunteers to host lunch on August 18. Starting in September a new Lunch Coordinator is needed to recruit teams and/or people to provide lunch on the 2nd to 4th/5th Sunday of the month. The first Sunday will remain Potluck Sunday! If you are interested, please talk to Kristin R, Shared Ministry coordinator.
Read MoreDr. Robert William Bogen, 92, died Monday, May 20, 2019, at his home in Nashville, Tennessee. Robert (Bob) was born on November 23, 1926 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Read MoreGreen, red, and white!
Read MoreThe Memorial Garden is in bloom this summer!
Read MoreIf you would like to share an announcement or event with the congregation through the weekly eblast or Order of Service, please use the forms on the website to do so.
Read MoreHere is the garden in late spring.
Read MoreA brief review of lunch changes...
Read MoreGreeters needed for Sunday Services
Read MoreMoving Forward As Members
Read More