Sunday, September 4, 2022: Interactive Sunday Service
Time: 11 AM - noon
Hybrid: Sanctuary / Zoom
Theme: Join us for a Water Communion
We all come from water: as a species on a planet where life began in the ocean, as mammals who float in amniotic fluid as we are readied for birth, as beings whose cells are mostly water.
And yet we are separate from each other, and we have been apart–since there tends to be a slowing-down, a different rhythm in the summer months–and now we are reuniting.
We are separate and together, the way water scatters into rain and streams and clouds and springs and ponds and puddles and yet flows together again and again, one great planetary ocean.
This Sunday bring water to pour into a common bowl that symbolizes how water keeps you connected to family, friends, and the congregation. We’ll have a pitcher of water for those that need it.
Keep your story short and focused on connection. For example, “This water represents the lemonade from a multi-generational gathering I attended this summer.” Or, “This water represents the water we drank at lunch in the breezeway during the summer months here at GNUUC.” Or “ This water symbolizes the rain water that I collected to water my garden during the hot summer months.”
You can also focus on our anticipated reconnection this fall. For example, “This water represents the water in the water bottles we’ll drink while walking on the AIDS Walk in October.”
We’re looking forward to sharing!
This hybrid service will be in the Sanctuary at Greater Nashville UU Congregation, as well as on Zoom. See How to Join a Virtual Service at GNUUC.
Join us for a Sanctuary/Zoom Hybrid Service. During a hybrid service, you can attend either in person or virtually. The goal of the hybrid service is to make the experience of attending a service as similar as possible whether you were attending in person or virtually. If you are attending virtually, you will be able to see and to be seen. You will be able to see the speaker, the pulpit, and the surrounding area, you will be able to see the chalice and people who come up to share joys and concerns. You will be able to hear the speaker, music, and questions and comments from those in attendance, and joys and concerns. You will be able to share joys and concerns much as we have done in virtual services, and those attending in person will be able to see and hear you—Zoom will be projected on the screen in the sanctuary. Attending virtually or in person, you will see and hear, and be seen and be heard.
Please review the Indoor Hybrid Meeting Policy. We will take attendance at the door, wear masks, and keep distance. You will also receive a color-coded name tag to designate your comfort level.