Five people who are transgender will share their experiences living in the shadow of the Trump era. This event at GNUUC is sponsored by the Nashville L-Club and will be shared with church members and the public. At 6:30 pm on Saturday, August 18, a potluck will be shared, consisting mostly of finger foods. Wine and beer may be brought.
The Trans Panel will begin at 7:30, led by Marisa Richmond, founder of the Tennessee Transgender Political Coalition and the Tennessee Vals (support for transgender persons).
They will provide different perspectives and stories, because being trans is not one-size-fits-all. Importantly, they are all involved in various community organizations. Someone comes from each of three different counties, where reception may be observed to be different.
Carla Lewis was discharged from the Army when she came out before the policy was finally changed in July 2016. Karie Adair is active in the Rutherford County Democratic Party. Rain McVeigh lives in Rutherford County, where she has been a student. Ray Holloman gives us a trans man's perspective.
The Trans panel follows the panel of Muslim women and the panel of Black women held previously and shared with the church. All have been arranged by Pam Kidd of the L-Club, which has monthly potluck meetings with programs or speakers.