February 26, 2025

“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.” 
~Flannery O’Connor

“Take a moment to think about everyone who has loved you into being.”
~Mr. Rogers (at least in the movies!)


There are so many indigestible goings-on in the world right now that I can barely bring myself to scan headlines, let alone read the news. There are a few things closer to home that I’d rather not swallow, as well. And yet… here we are; here I am: these things are part of our lives and, well, the truth does not change because we don’t like it.

AND the truth also includes Love, and I might add that the presence and power of love does not change according to my inability to see it in every instance! If I have been loved into being by others (many others, Mr. Rogers seems to suggest), and I think for today I will take a moment to practice thinking about everyone who has loved me into being. Perhaps I’ll expand my imaginings to include those who have loved into being the people for whom I care most. After some practice, maybe on a day when I’m feeling strong, I might even imagine the love that has called into being a few of those I’d rather not worry about! 

The truths of the world are not going to change to make us comfortable, but they always, always, include the reality of love as the glue that holds everything together. I’m not sure how to articulate so much of what I believe (ha! studying theology for years does not make this easier!) but this I know: There is love in this world, and it is vital (both necessary and sustaining) to all that is, and certainly part of my life and yours.

I hope you are cultivating ways to remain connected to your own deepest and most sustaining truths in these days of realities we did not wish for and cannot afford to ignore. (Maybe give Mr. Rogers’ suggestion a try? Or make an appointment with me to explore spiritual practices that might work for you?)

Yours in truth, love, and the search for peace amid it all,

Rev. Denise

MinisterDenise Gyauch