January 29, 2025

“Contentment is the antidote to optimization.” 
~ Kendra Adachi


Recently, I’ve been in various rooms with people struggling to find responses to our world in this moment. We have such a culture of optimization and perfection and striving that it can seem impossible, or at best negligent, to rest or look for contentment. I’d like to suggest that rest and contentment might be spiritual practices deeply suited to this precise moment.

The wisdom arising lately from my colleagues and compatriots and companions is this: Yes, things are bad and will almost certainly get worse, AND each of us needs to tend to ourselves (our own wellbeing), to our communities (nurture connection!), and to the work we find doable right where we are. The possibilities for action are as endless as the problems we face and will face, and no one of us can pay attention to, let alone work with, all (or even a significant number) of those at once. 

For now, it is enough to do the one thing you can do, or wish most to do, or don’t mind doing. Keep yourself whole and healthy, look for pockets of contentment here and now (I believe they can be powerful fuel for the work of justice!), and love on the people closest to you, because plenty more “one things” will call us tomorrow and next week and next month. 

Yours in commitment to the work and resting in contentment,

Rev. Denise

MinisterDenise Gyauch