March 19, 2025
“Sometimes what we know of love and justice pushes us in ways
we never expected. And sometimes the need to bear such love into the world is heartbreakingly large. It is in those moments that we most need one another, and most need beloved community.”
~UUA President Sofía Betancourt, Love at the Center
Dear Ones,
I have a bit of heartening news to share this week: On Sunday morning, we will welcome several new members to our congregation! I hope as many of you as possible will be in attendance to celebrate their decisions to join GNUUC and joyfully witness the addition of their signatures to our membership book.
GNUUC members (as well as many friends of the congregation) join in living out our congregational covenant. The covenant was written years ago by the congregation, and we recite it together at every Sunday service. Between now and June, the Worship Team plans to devote four Sundays (one a month) to exploring the four main parts of our covenant. This Sunday, our new member ceremony will serve as a jumping-off point to reflect on our commitment “to make a welcoming community” and what welcome and community has meant to us. I hope you’ll be there!
Yours in celebration and the heartbreakingly large need for love in our world,
Rev. Denise
P.S. If you are eager to become a member of GNUUC and I haven’t yet talked with you about membership, please email me ASAP! (If you’re not sure or not ready yet, no worries; there will be future opportunities.)