March 9, 2022
March 9, 2022
There’s still time to learn the lessons of winter. ~Alexa Bradley Hulsey
Dear Ones,
How are you this mid-March day?
I am … feeling hugely grateful–for sunshine and for the beings with whom I share this life–and a little, well, soggy.
You may or may not have heard, but our church building had a water-logged weekend due to a plumbing problem in one of our restrooms. The restrooms are back in working order, and the remediation company has removed sodden flooring and deployed air movers and dehumidifiers to dry everything else out. GNUUC leaders are busy meeting with the insurance adjuster and getting bids for needed repairs, and things will be put right in time. Fortunately, the sanctuary seems not to have been affected by water–hooray!--and we plan to be able to host hybrid worship, as usual, this coming Sunday.
For a day or two, as we began sorting out the logistics, I was feeling pretty discouraged. On the very first spring day we were able to enjoy an outdoor worship service, welcome several visitors, and greet congregants we haven’t seen in person in much too long, we also had to wonder if we would have to “go backwards” to online-only worship (because, of course, this being middle TN, it will be cold this weekend!), just as we’re finding spring energy for planning church events and being able to gather in larger numbers.
This morning, in my inbox, I found a very wise blog post from my acupuncturist. It’s a reflection on the beginning of spring in middle Tennessee, but it points to a bit of wisdom about the nature of change and growth that helps me embrace what is here now with a little less worry and impatience for what is coming next. You might like it, too: Winter
Yours in all the weather–outside or in,
Rev. Denise
Rev. Denise Gyauch
Minister, Greater Nashville UU Congregation