November 1, 2023
“Hope is holding in creative tension all that is, with everything that could and should be, and each day taking some action to narrow the distance between the two.”
– Parker J. Palmer
Welcome to our month of Generosity! (As you probably know, we participate in Soul Matters, a program run by and for UU congregations, which suggests a theme and provides resources on that theme for each month of the year.)
Today, I’m wondering whether and how we might be generous with our hope. Some of this is “inside work”, very personal and inwardly focused: How can I hold and act on the tension between who I am and who I could be, as well as my personal perceptions of the world around me and what it is and what I wish it were or think it really should be? But I think really generous hope requires community: How do WE assess what really is and cherish it, while also being alert to opportunities to move ourselves and others in direction of more love, more freedom, more justice?
No answers today, just questions. How about you?
Yours in hope and generosity,
Rev. Denise