October 16, 2024


You’ve noticed, haven’t you, the distinct turn toward autumnal weather? I love this time of year, and this year in particular, it seems to be quite intensely a time both of letting go (like the leaves) and of taking stock, laying in stores, and making preparations for the next season (like the squirrels!). 

I hope you’ll take a little time to reflect on how letting go is showing up in your life right now–notice, acknowledge, grieve if necessary, and offer a gesture of gratitude. 

And, I hope you’re finding significant ways this season to be engaging the present in ways that will make our shared futures richer and more sustainable. In case you need suggestions, I have a couple (or three):

-Early voting starts today in Davidson County! Unitarian Universalists deeply support the practice of democracy, and in the United States, the most basic democratic process is voting. I make it a point to vote every time I have the chance. (I think it counts as one of my spiritual practices.) I often like the festival-like atmosphere of voting on election day proper, but sometimes (like this year) the stakes feel so high that I vote early, just to be sure nothing unexpected happens to prevent my participation. Please have a plan for casting your vote, and check in with those around you if you can offer support. 

-If you vote early (or even if you don’t), you might enjoy spending part of Election Day volunteering in support of the democratic process. Here’s an opportunity that landed in my inbox yesterday that looks promising (and non-partisan, plus they’ll feed you!):  https://www.mobilize.us/civictn/event/721205/

-If you’d like some expert-led, nonpartisan education around important issues of reproductive health specifically in our state, Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and Northern Mississippi is co-sponsoring an online webinar this evening at 7 pm. (I’ll be at the Board meeting, so I hope someone will go and tell me about it!) Register here.

Yours in letting go and getting ready, 
Rev. Denise

P.S. I just learned that while I was composing this note, our amazing administrator, Kris Thresher, has been in line to vote in Williamson County–Yay, Kris!

MinisterDenise Gyauch