“Zen pretty much comes down to three things–
everything changes; everything is connected; pay attention.”
–Jane Hirshfield
I seem to be in full-on startup mode these days: August is flying by with auction events, worship services, first meetings of the church year, and plans, plans, plans for all sorts of things. I don’t know if wonders will ever cease (Denise G. will answer that for us this Sunday, I hope!), but the making of new plans is pretty much a constant in church life. Perhaps Certainly also in life, generally.
You may have heard that we are experimenting with some new things in governance and programming this church year. Alternating on 4th Sunday of most months, we will add to our time together either a Shared Ministries meeting that includes all of us (between service and lunch, hybrid as long as the service is also) or an invitation to participate in a Listening Circle after lunch (starting around 1:15pm, in person only).
This Sunday, we will be meeting as the Shared Ministries Council in between the service and lunch. In times past (mostly before I was hired) this council consisted of the chairs of each of the ministry committees/teams in the congregation. During the pandemic, attendance dwindled sharply, and formal meetings were discontinued, with most decisions about programming and ministries being made either informally or in their respective teams (Worship, Children’s Religious Education, Social Justice, for example). These ways of making and implementing decisions have been becoming increasingly more difficult and less satisfying for all involved, so we are going to see what happens if Shared Ministries decisions (How shall we go about embodying our mission and pursuing our vision of ministry this year?) become decisions made by all of us together.
I know I’ve been saying this for years now, but we are in a liminal time–a time in between the old way of doing things and a new way…in between pre-pandemic and the full-blown understanding of what “post-pandemic” means…in between the last presidential election and the next…in between the first 30 years of GNUUC and the next 30.
If you feel like preparing reflectively for the meeting, you might refer to Hirshfield’s summary of Zen wisdom: How can we as a faith community address the reality that everything changes, celebrate and nourish the ways in which everything is connected, and pay better attention to all of it and everyone?
I’m bringing a list of ideas to our Shared Ministries meeting. I hope you bring some, too!
Yours in change, connection, and our best attempts to pay attention,
Rev. Denise