Congregational Poll: 2016-2020 Congregational Study/Action Issue: Democracy Uncorrupted

During the service on January 6 we will be introducing the Congregational Poll Question on our Annual UUA Certification Survey. We ask that all members read the following, including the link to the draft Statement of Conscience entitled “Democracy Uncorrupted.” After the service on Sunday, January 20, we will have a quick poll to determine if this statement should be placed of the final agenda of the General Assembly 2019.

In order for the proposed Statement of Conscience (SOC) on Democracy Uncorrupted to be placed on the Final Agenda at General Assembly (GA) 2019, at least twenty-five percent (25%) of all certified congregations must participate in the ballot vote. If that quota is met, delegates at GA will have an opportunity to amend the SOC, and will hear debate and choose to approve the Statement or refer it back to the Commission on Social Witness (CSW) for further study.

  • Voting 'Yes' means your congregation wants the Draft SOC to be added to the 2019 General Assembly Agenda.

  • Voting 'No' means your congregation does NOT want the Draft SOC to be added to the 2019 General Assembly Agenda.

  • 'Abstain' means your congregation is being present only to contribute to the twenty-five percent quorum.

Congregations who do not want to participate in the Congregational Poll can 'Opt Out'.

Poll Question

Democracy Uncorrupted

Should the draft Statement of Conscience entitled "Democracy Uncorrupted” be placed on the final agenda of the General Assembly 2019?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Abstain

Please base your vote here on whether your congregation, or its representatives, believes the Draft SOC is worded well enough to be considered by the General Assembly. It can be further refined by congregational comment before and during the 2019 General Assembly.

To read the draft statement, click draft Statement of Conscience entitled "Democracy Uncorrupted”