GNUUC Board Meeting Summary - March 19, 2025
GNUUC Board Meeting Summary - March 19, 2025
Minister's Report and Updates
-Rev. Denise shared that about 5 new members will be signing the membership book this Sunday
-Plans are developing for a Lay Pastoral Care Team to be supported by Rev. Dr. Michelle Pederson, which would provide support and connection within the congregation. The Board expressed enthusiasm for this initiative.
-Discussion about re-establishing both a Committee on Ministry and a Healthy Congregation Team as the congregation begins to grow again.
Financial Update
-The congregation is on track with its budget for the current fiscal year.
-Jesse reported that the Finance Committee is preparing next year's budget, which may require drawing from the contingency fund, though the amount will be clearer after the pledge campaign. He noted that we have not needed to draw on the fund this year even though it had been planned
-The Finance Committee will be working with members to help facilitate donations from Required Minimum Distributions for those who might benefit from this option.
Leadership Transitions
-Carol Looney will not continue for another term as Member-at-Large.
-Tina announced she will not serve a fourth year as President, citing the need for fresh energy and to explore other areas of service within the congregation.
-The Nominating Committee, headed by Nathanael Reveal as immediate past president, will be seeking candidates for these positions and for a Secretary.
-Tina will reach out to several members to serve on the Nominating Committee with Nathanael.
-Rev. Denise's contract was approved and signed.
-A New Leaf contract was reviewed with minor updates, including a 3% increase and adjustments to space usage. The contract would cover 8/1/2025 to 7/31/2026.
The meeting ended early, reflecting an efficient and productive session.