Posts in Governance
GNUUC Board Meeting Summary - March 19, 2025

Minister's Report and Updates

-Rev. Denise shared that about 5 new members will be signing the membership book this Sunday
-Plans are developing for a Lay Pastoral Care Team to be supported by Rev. Dr. Michelle Pederson, which would provide support and connection within the congregation. The Board expressed enthusiasm for this initiative.
-Discussion about re-establishing both a Committee on Ministry and a Healthy Congregation Team as the congregation begins to grow again.

Financial Update

-The congregation is on track with its budget for the current fiscal year.
-Jesse reported that the Finance Committee is preparing next year's budget, which may require drawing from the contingency fund, though the amount will be clearer after the pledge campaign. He noted that we have not needed to draw on the fund this year even though it had been planned
-The Finance Committee will be working with members to help facilitate donations from Required Minimum Distributions for those who might benefit from this option.

Leadership Transitions

-Carol Looney will not continue for another term as Member-at-Large.
-Tina announced she will not serve a fourth year as President, citing the need for fresh energy and to explore other areas of service within the congregation.
-The Nominating Committee, headed by Nathanael Reveal as immediate past president, will be seeking candidates for these positions and for a Secretary.
-Tina will reach out to several members to serve on the Nominating Committee with Nathanael.


-Rev. Denise's contract was approved and signed.
-A New Leaf contract was reviewed with minor updates, including a 3% increase and adjustments to space usage. The contract would cover 8/1/2025 to 7/31/2026.

The meeting ended early, reflecting an efficient and productive session.

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GNUUC Board Meeting Summary - February 19, 2025

Meeting Date: February 19, 2025 Time: 6:45 PM - 8:30 PM

Board Membership & Leadership

-All current board members have indicated their willingness to serve another year in their positions
-A Secretary position remains open and will need to be filled
-The board is working on establishing a nominating committee in accordance with bylaws requirements

Financial Updates

-The congregation remains in a strong financial position with healthy account balances
-Pledge income is at 81% of budget, ahead of expectations
-New Leaf has expressed interest in signing another year-long contract for space usage
-The Finance Committee will begin planning next year's budget, including adjustments to align with UUA guidelines
-The board approved exploring options for contracted maintenance support to assist with building needs

Contract to Call Process (to transition Rev. Denise Gyauch from being a contracted minister to being called & settled by the congregation)

-The board is moving forward with establishing a Call Process Task Force consisting of three members
-The task force will lead a congregation-wide ministry evaluation process
-UUA representatives have expressed support for the congregation's approach and timeline
-The process is expected to take 2-3 months and will include opportunities for congregational input

Building & Grounds

-The board approved adding a TIRRC "Immigrants Belong" yard sign to the church grounds
-Discussions are ongoing about maintenance needs and support for building operations

Social Justice & Denominational Affairs

-GNUUC is participating in the formation of a Tennessee UU Congregational Action Network (TUUCAN)
-Representatives from the congregation are serving on the steering committee

Next Steps

-The board will be working on finalizing the ministerial contract
-The Call Process Task Force will begin organizing the congregation-wide evaluation
-The Finance Committee will develop a proposed budget for the next fiscal year

The next board meeting date will be announced through regular church communications channels.

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Board Meeting Summary - October 2024

Board Service Discussion: went into more detail about the specifics of the service

-Creating a framework of the vision of ministry to bring to the congregation

-Reflecting on last year’s vision

Discussion of Policies

-Alcohol use policy: What do we want to put in the policy, how specific do we want it to be? Emphasized need for responsible adult around if minors and alcohol are present, all Board members will play a part in crafting a policy

-Building Usage Policy: There was a motion for the Board to authorize the ability for the Minister and Administrator to negotiate prices for building usage, seconded and passed with unanimous approval

Enacted outside of the meeting: The Board approved the Restatement of the UUA Retirement Plan (to take effect 1 January 2025) on October 29.

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Board Meeting Summary - September 2024

Discussion about facility use and renters

Board service on October 27 will include vision ideas from the retreat and include the congregation

Discussion about the Board service

Work on it over Slack in between Board meetings
Give Congregation advance notice of participatory details (announcement during What’s Next? 1-2 Sundays before)

Nathaneal Reveal has resigned as Board Secretary

Next Board meeting: Oct​. 16

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Board Meeting Summary - August 21, 2024

The GNUUC Board met on August 21, 2024 to discuss various matters related to church operations and planning. Key points included:

1 - Financial Update: The church ended the 2023-2024 fiscal year with income $2,431 over expenses, avoiding the need to move funds from contingency. This positive outcome was largely due to rental income from A New Leaf. For the current fiscal year (2024-2025), 34% of pledges have already been paid.

2 - Board Retreat: A retreat is scheduled for August 31st from 11am-2pm. Board members will bring mixed media items for a group project.

3 - Board Service: The board will lead the service on October 27th, which will be followed by a shared ministries meeting.

4 - Greeters: Carol shared insights from UUA greeter training and suggested implementing a monthly rotation for greeters. The board discussed incorporating safety training into the greeter role.

5 - Memorial Garden: The board discussed concerns about the Memorial Garden space.

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Update from Finance

This past Sunday we met for our Annual Congregational Meeting and passed our annual budget for the GNUUC 2024-2025 Fiscal Year. Please drop me an email at if you’d like to have a copy of the approved budget.

It’s important to note that we do not draw on contingency funds for our budget for the year! Thanks to your generous pledges, a well-planned and successful auction, and New Leaf Preschool renting our RE space for the full year, we are able to plan a budget that is balanced for the first time since the pandemic.

Some important highlights of the budget:

We are budgeting support for the Unitarian Universalist Association after not being able to budget for this last year. The UUA depends on congregations for their support, so this is an important improvement.

We have increased the budget for Buildings and Grounds to help address the cost of painting our building.

Due to a technical glitch, pledge request letters went out AGAIN on Tuesday, May 21. Know that we HAVE gratefully received and recorded your pledges. As I noted in a follow-up letter, I would not mind this technical problem, except for the fact that it went out before we had a chance to send out our thanks to each of you for your loving, generous support of GNUUC.


Jesse S-S

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Annual Stewardship Campaign: Pledge Forms are due!

Our Annual Pledge Campaign ran from April 14 to April 21, 2024. We are still missing about seven pledges from members. Friends and visitors, consider making a Pledge to GNUUC for our July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 Fiscal Year.

This year, we celebrate Greater Nashville Unitarian Universalist Congregation’s 30th Anniversary. In the summer of 1994, we first met as a congregation and were recognized officially by the Unitarian Universalist Association. Since then Greater Nashville has been a home for those seeking a liberal religious community, a place to raise their children, a supportive institution, a gathering of friends.

Now is the time to make a commitment. If you are member, now is the time to strengthen your support. If you are a new visitor, new friend, now is the time to consider joining us and pledging your support — and consider joining us as a member. Reverend Denise would love to talk to you.

By giving our time, our talents, and our money, we can support those in need, and serve as a voice of love, acceptance, and hope in a world that needs to hear these things. Our pledges this spring will resource the first year of the NEXT 30 years of our congregation’s mission: to transform ourselves, our community, and our world through the power of love; to embody a sanctuary of compassion, integrity, and respect; and to champion justice, equity, and peace.

Pledge what you can for the new year. Know that if your circumstances change, you can adjust your pledge. If you can give more, do so, knowing that you are contributing more in a time when others can contribute less.  Please visit and pledge as generously as you are able.

Now is the time. This is your invitation.

To read this year’s pledge letter, click Invitation to Pledge.

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Summary of Extra Board meeting on April 24, 2024

The Board discussed the extension of the A New Leaf school lease for an additional 12 months and received an update on the annual stewardship drive. The Board discussed the importance of welcoming and membership in the coming year. The Board planned the agenda for the upcoming May 5th briefing of the congregation and confirmed that the meeting will be hybrid. This is a preliminary Q&A session in advance of the Congregational Meeting on May 19. The Board put plans in place to start congregational visioning for the next 30 years with a progress assessment scheduled around December 2024.

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April Board Meeting Summary

The board confirmed that the current members are all likely willing and able to continue to serve on the board if asked. The board discussed the ongoing occupancy of the RE building by A New Leaf school. The board began making plans for congregational meetings and training priorities for the upcoming 2024/2025 fiscal year.

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Board Update March 2024

We discussed ways to improve communication and simplify and open up processes at the church to better reflect our current staffing and volunteer capacity. We discussed the open slots for delegates from the congregation to UUA General Assembly 2024. The Board will encourage interested people to contact Rev. Denise. Board members will inform Tina about their wishes as far as continuing to serve during the coming year.

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February Board Meeting Summary

The treasurer presented the finance report, noting pledge income may come in lower than budgeted. Insurance and asphalt repairs have increased expenses significantly. Getting additional asphalt repair quotes was discussed.

Discussing the congregation's 30th anniversary coming up in 2024, suggestions included celebrating with a special pledge drive theme highlighting the past 30 years and vision for the next 30. A homecoming event in the fall was also proposed.

The Board conducted a self-assessment. The facilitator closed by thanking the Board for their self-reflection.

Continued progress on visioning the future and sustainability goals will help ensure GNUUC's next 30 years are as strong as the past 30 have been.

Please email if you have any questions or suggestions.

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Jan. 17, 2024: Board Meeting Summary

Financial Review

- Reviewed budget to actuals and financial position. Insurance costs have increased significantly due to claims, but new revenue sources (facility rentals, donations) help offset this.

Timetable for Pledge Campaign

-The pledge campaign is planned for April 7 and April 14 (materials will be distributed). The goal is to finalize pledges by April 21 to inform budget planning and stewardship celebrated. The date of the congregational meeting is tentatively set for May 19th.

Creating a Culture of Periodic Self-Assessment

- An assessment task force proposed establishing an annual self-assessment for key church groups/teams. The goal is to empower teams and build community. The board will conduct a self-assessment in February using the governance policy document as a guide.

Discussions on Rev. Denise's Contract

- A small task force comprised of Jesse Spencer-Smith (Treasurer) and Claire Stanton (At-Large) will meet with Rev. Denise to discuss potential updates to her contract for the next fiscal year. These early discussions allow time to finalize details aligned with the budget by March/April.

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November 15, 2023: Board Meeting Summary

Lease with the New Leaf Preschool: The members discussed updates regarding the proposed use of the RE Building by New Leaf. This continues to move forward appropriately. It was proposed that liaisons be appointed from the congregation and New Leaf, with Rev. Denise potentially being the representative from the congregation, as she was already in contact with the school.

Share the Plate Conversation: As part of her monthly report to the Board, Rev. Denise briefed the board on the pastoral care issues related to conversations about the November Share the Plate partner.

Parking Lot Concerns: We discussed the few incident reports regarding the parking lot. These discussions were focused on addressing the challenges posed by the parking lot's location and its potential attractiveness as a secluded spot. Solutions such as improved lighting and security measures were discussed, but the consensus was that we are doing all that is appropriate at the moment. Non-police intervention will continue to be used, with police intervention used as appropriate.

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Board Meeting Summary for October 18, 2023

- Claire will send a list of small congregations in nearby states to Carol to potentially reach out to about governance models. The goal is to learn how other small congregations operate and make decisions. 

- A New Leaf preschool representative visited to view the rental space for a potential lease. Discussions are ongoing. 

- A job description was created for hiring a bookkeeper on a contract basis for around 7 hours per month. The board approved hiring someone and will use contingency funds to pay them.

- The board agreed to spend the last 5 minutes of each meeting reviewing and approving a summary of the meeting to be shared with the congregation. This will be sent to Kris for the weekly eblast and also printed for the bulletin board. 

- The board reviewed the monthly finance reports. Pastoral care funds may need to be supplemented given low remaining balance. A bookkeeper will be paid from contingency funds, not added to the budget.

- The healthy congregations team currently includes Jane Spears and Gene Bryant. Reverend Denise works with the team.

- The board formally created a 2 person task force of Caren Spencer Smith and Reverend Denise to continue the dialogue on assessment.

- There was discussion around a UUA request for assistance for a program to support transgender individuals traveling through Nashville. Reverend Denise will inform the congregation of this opportunity.

Overall, the meeting focused on improving transparency through posting board meeting summaries, making progress on important administrative needs like hiring a bookkeeper, and having generative discussions to support the congregation's mission and needs.

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Annual Stewardship Campaign: Pledge Cards Due by this Sunday, March 26

Our Annual Pledge Campaign runs from March 12, 2023, through March 26, 2023.

Pledge season is a time to reconsider the ways in which we each contribute to our communal life, to dream about lovely and exciting things we might do and create together, and to recognize that our individual generosity is the lifeblood of our congregation and crucial to the embodiment of our collective commitment to the transforming power of love.

This an invitation to love yourself, each other, and the communities in which our congregation is embedded, to be a part of choosing who and how we hope to be together in the future, and to make plans about how you will share your time, attention, and money with GNUUC next year.

Make your commitment to our future together at Greater Nashville Unitarian Universalist Congregation by visiting (or mailing in a hard copy pledge card) and pledging as generously as you are able.

Now is the time. This is your invitation.

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General Assembly 2023: Hybrid Portland, Pittsburgh, PA/ Zoom. Are you interested in attending?

Hybrid: Pittsburgh, PA/ Zoom. June 21 - 25, 2023. Are you interested in attending GA this year? GNUUC will pay the registration fees for its 2 voting delegates. Plus, members can apply to the Larry Romans Leadership Fund if they are not a delegate and interested in attending for assistance with registration fees. If you are interested in attending or learning more, click Read More below.

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