Many thanks to the following who helped make the Taco Bar a great success-I know I’ve missed some, please forgive me, if I have.
Bonnie, who supplied lovely Mexican cookies and rice, an homage to her New Mexico roots, and took care of the cold section;
Leisa, who prepped all the veggies and took care of the tacos and tortillas;
Mike for his delicious key lime pies;
Lisa who brought a delicious flan with chocolate cake, and with Gina, were the baristas for the delicious beverages;
Jane W. who quietly and without fuss did whatever she was called upon to do, cleared tables, and more;
Dan, who sourced 99% of the food, and was still running to Kroger in the last minutes;
And very, very special thanks to Charles and Melissa who were there when I arrived, warmed up and set up almost all of the food, stayed throughout the serving, washed ALL of the dishes, pots and pans, and serving dishes ENTIRELY by themselves- thank you - you were my rock.
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