Posts tagged General Announcement
Thank You to All the Volunteers for the Fiesta Taco Bar!

Many thanks to the following who helped make the Taco Bar a great success-I know I’ve missed some, please forgive me, if I have.

Bonnie, who supplied lovely Mexican cookies and rice, an homage to her New Mexico roots, and took care of the cold section;

Leisa, who prepped all the veggies and took care of the tacos and tortillas;

Mike for his delicious key lime pies;

Lisa who brought a delicious flan with  chocolate cake, and with Gina, were the baristas for the delicious beverages;

Jane W. who quietly and without fuss did whatever she was called upon to do, cleared tables, and more;

Dan, who sourced 99% of the food, and was still running to Kroger in the last minutes; 

And very, very special thanks to Charles and Melissa who were there when I arrived, warmed up and set up almost all of the food, stayed throughout  the serving, washed ALL of the dishes, pots and pans, and serving dishes ENTIRELY by themselves- thank you - you were my rock.


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Thursday nights, 7PM - 9PM, at GNUUC: Rise for Freedom Trainings (Begins March 27, 2025)

Rise For Freedom: Thursdays @ 7 pm
Dates: March 27. Apr. 3, 10, 17, 24. May 1, 8.

In person at Greater Nashville UU Congregation: 374 Hicks Rd., Nashville, TN 37221

Each date is about a different topic - you do not need to attend all dates! (click “Read More” to see topics by date)

If you can’t make it in person, trainings are online:

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GNUUC Board Meeting Summary - March 19, 2025

Minister's Report and Updates

-Rev. Denise shared that about 5 new members will be signing the membership book this Sunday
-Plans are developing for a Lay Pastoral Care Team to be supported by Rev. Dr. Michelle Pederson, which would provide support and connection within the congregation. The Board expressed enthusiasm for this initiative.
-Discussion about re-establishing both a Committee on Ministry and a Healthy Congregation Team as the congregation begins to grow again.

Financial Update

-The congregation is on track with its budget for the current fiscal year.
-Jesse reported that the Finance Committee is preparing next year's budget, which may require drawing from the contingency fund, though the amount will be clearer after the pledge campaign. He noted that we have not needed to draw on the fund this year even though it had been planned
-The Finance Committee will be working with members to help facilitate donations from Required Minimum Distributions for those who might benefit from this option.

Leadership Transitions

-Carol Looney will not continue for another term as Member-at-Large.
-Tina announced she will not serve a fourth year as President, citing the need for fresh energy and to explore other areas of service within the congregation.
-The Nominating Committee, headed by Nathanael Reveal as immediate past president, will be seeking candidates for these positions and for a Secretary.
-Tina will reach out to several members to serve on the Nominating Committee with Nathanael.


-Rev. Denise's contract was approved and signed.
-A New Leaf contract was reviewed with minor updates, including a 3% increase and adjustments to space usage. The contract would cover 8/1/2025 to 7/31/2026.

The meeting ended early, reflecting an efficient and productive session.

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Deadline Approaching to Apply for Property Tax Freeze or Tax Relief

April 5, 2025, is the deadline to apply or recertify for Nashville’s Tax Relief and Tax Freeze programs for 2024. These programs are for those 65 and older, the disabled, and disabled veterans and widow(ers). This is the first year that the qualifying annual household income limit has been raised to $60,000 for the tax freeze program; the income limit for the tax relief program is $36,370. You can find more information about the two programs here and here. Download a flyer here.

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February 2025 Share the Plate: Second Harvest Food Bank 

Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is dedicated to ensuring equitable access to the food and resources people in our community need to thrive. For nearly 50 years, they have welcomed our neighbors with radical hospitality, empowering them to live free from the daily burden of food insecurity. They prioritize innovation and remain committed to sustainability as they strive for a future where everyone is food secure, and no food is wasted.

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January Share the Plate Partner is TIRRC (Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition)

Since its founding, TIRRC has grown from an informal network of community leaders into one of the most diverse and effective coalitions of its kind, a model for immigrant rights organizations in the Southeast and throughout the United States. TIRRC’s vision is a stronger, more inclusive Tennessee where people of all nationalities, immigration statuses, and racial identities can belong and thrive.

If you know or discover such an organization, please nominate it by using the form found with the Share the Plate Nomination form..

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November Share the Plate - Hurricane Helene 2024 Disaster Recovery through Greater Good Charities

Hurricane Helene is now the second deadliest hurricane to hit the mainland U.S. and has left a trail of devastation across the southeastern states. Just days later, Hurricane Milton made landfall as a Category 3 Hurricane. Communities are grappling with catastrophic landslides, historic flooding, and relentless rainfall. Millions of people remain without power, and homes, streets, and businesses have been damaged or destroyed.

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Board Meeting Summary - October 2024

Board Service Discussion: went into more detail about the specifics of the service

-Creating a framework of the vision of ministry to bring to the congregation

-Reflecting on last year’s vision

Discussion of Policies

-Alcohol use policy: What do we want to put in the policy, how specific do we want it to be? Emphasized need for responsible adult around if minors and alcohol are present, all Board members will play a part in crafting a policy

-Building Usage Policy: There was a motion for the Board to authorize the ability for the Minister and Administrator to negotiate prices for building usage, seconded and passed with unanimous approval

Enacted outside of the meeting: The Board approved the Restatement of the UUA Retirement Plan (to take effect 1 January 2025) on October 29.

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Help GNUUC Rebuild the Fund!

Dear Greater Nashville UU Members & Friends,

Our building exterior was in dire need of repair and painting. In September, those repairs were made. It was $10,000 to pressure wash, repair damaged wood, paint the exterior of both church buildings, doors, gutters, and soffits, RE building rear ramp, and the breezeway. The buildings look amazing now!

Even with a generous donation from a congregant, paying this bill depleted our Building Capital Fund.

We need to raise $2200 more to replenish the fund. With your help, we can continue to maintain and upgrade the appearance of our buildings and grounds.

As of Oct. 2, we raised $1,800!

This leaves $2,200 to go! We need you to help donate now. Every dollar counts!

To donate, do one of the following:

1 - Go to . In the donation box, change the 1st drop list to “Give to Building Capital Fund” and continue through the wizard.

2 - In Breeze, click the “Give Now” menu. In the donation box, change the 1st drop list to “Give to Building Capital Fund” and continue through the wizard.

3- Mail a check made out to GNUUC with “Building Capital Fund” in the memo to GNUUC, 374 Hicks Road, Nashville, TN 37221.

4- Put a check made out to GNUUC with “Building Capital Fund” in the memo in the Sanctuary Donation box on Sunday.

THANK YOU for helping take care of our space!

GNUUC Finance Team

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Board Meeting Summary - September 2024

Discussion about facility use and renters

Board service on October 27 will include vision ideas from the retreat and include the congregation

Discussion about the Board service

Work on it over Slack in between Board meetings
Give Congregation advance notice of participatory details (announcement during What’s Next? 1-2 Sundays before)

Nathaneal Reveal has resigned as Board Secretary

Next Board meeting: Oct​. 16

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Greeters wanted! Please volunteer to join the Greeters Team at GNUUC.

Our congregational covenant charges us to make a welcoming better to do this than by welcoming newcomers, members, and friends to our congregation with a warm smile and kind words. Please sign up for a Sunday or several Sundays. The yellow Greeter Folder and greeter name badges are kept at the front entry table. Please read the general guidelines, leave your contact information, and initial on the spreadsheet, the Sunday or Sundays you would be available to greet. You can also sign up online by contacting Claire. If you have any questions, please contact Carol L. Thank you for serving our congregation!

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September 2024 Share the Plate: Nashville Cares AIDS Walk. Donate and/or Join the Walk on October 19!

At GNUUC we have a long-standing tradition of supporting Nashville CARES through our enthusiastic participation in its annual AIDS Walk fundraising. Their mission is to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Middle Tennessee.

Our Team Goal is to raise $500 through Share the Plate in September to sponsor our Team at the AIDS Walk on October 19 at Shelby Park at 7:30 AM.

All September Share the Plate donations under $100 will be split 50/50 between sponsoring our Team and Greater Nashville UU's plate.

All September Share the Plate donations over $100 will go 100% to support our GNUUC team for the Nashville AIDS Walk.

To join our Team of Walkers (or runners - there is a 5K run), or to donate directly any amount to our team online, go to: Greater Nashville UU Congregation (GNUUC) Team

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