NOAH Upcoming Task Force Events: “Rally for Riverchase” – May 5 - 5 PM – Metro Courthouse
Read up on NOAH’s current, upcoming (and one recent) task force events and information, with opportunities for you to participate. Included are a meeting with Council members on housing needs, a rally for a Community Benefits Agreement with the new owners of currently affordable apartments, information about judicial and school board candidates, a survey on mental health crisis response, and more!
Special Meeting on Housing Needs
Tuesday, April 26 - 12:00 - 1:15 PM
Register beforehand for this Zoom meeting HERE. You will then get an email about joining the meeting.
We are inviting Metro Council Members -- and all of our task force members who are able to attend. This is at 12 Noon, since we hope Council Members can come on their lunch break. Affordable housing needs are getting greater and greater -- and look different for different groups.
“Rally for Riverchase” – May 5 - 5 PM – Metro Courthouse
NOAH has worked to keep these apartments affordable since 2019. We will join Stand Up Nashville and other groups in a "Rally for Riverchase" at the Metro Courthouse for a Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) to keep 200 apartments affordable. Background info is HERE. Special op-ed by 3 NOAH leaders is HERE.
LEARN ABOUT THE CANDIDATES FOR JUDGE AND DA (May 3 Election) - We have held 5 webinars with the various candidates for Criminal Court, General Sessions Court, and District Attorney General. You can find these webinars on our Facebook page HERE.
If you or others are confused about the Role of Judges and the DA in our court system, watch an earlier webinar we held HERE.
SURVEY ON RESPONSES NEEDED TO MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS - We are helping to publicize a survey, being done by “Nashville Community Crisis Response,” about policing, mental health crisis response, and the change our community hopes to see. They are asking people whose family or friends may have had a mental health crisis of any kind to take this survey. (Scroll down and click the link UNDER the QR code)
SURVEY OF CANDIDATES FOR SCHOOL BOARD - The NOAH Education Task Force created an ad hoc committee that surveyed the 14 school board candidates (districts 2, 4, 6 and 8). The purposes of the survey were to:
Get to know the candidates and find out where they stand when it comes to NOAH’s key concerns
Share the survey report with the public to encourage getting out the vote
Please view, print and share the report, which you can find HERE.
EQUITY ROADMAP - Everyone is invited to the next Education Task Force Meeting! Ashford Hughes will be talking about “The Equity Roadmap for Metro Schools” - Monday, April 25 – 6:30 PM (Email for Zoom link)
NASHVILLE LIVING WAGE – NOAH has worked with this group that certifies employers as being a “living wage” employer. NOAH has been so certified! If you know a congregation or business that might be interested in this, take a look at their website to refer others.
“TAX DODGERS DODGE BALL” – MONDAY, April 18 - 3:30 PM – Legislative Plaza (301 – 6th Ave North)
Who can dodge the most taxes? We don't know because state law says we can't know. But we know 60% of corporations filing in Tennessee pay NOTHING in state business income taxes. That includes 65 companies that report over $1 BILLION in federally taxable income. While these corporations make record profits, Tennessee families are struggling with among of the highest sales and grocery taxes in the country. Join us on April 18th to see who can dodge the most taxes and to send a message to legislators that they need to make corporations pay what they owe so we can fund our communities.