Children's RE is returning to onsite summer fun Sundays in June! CRE will be outdoors.
June 27
Host: Kristin R.
Co-Host: Tina C.
Theme: Celebrate Pride! We’ll be learning a bit about Pride and have stations for different craft and science activities.
July 18
Host: Susan D.
Co-Host: Claire S.
Theme: Tie-Dye!
August 8
Host: TBA
Co-Host: TBA
Theme: TBA
August 29
Host: TBA
Co-Host: TBA
Theme: TBA
10:15 AM- 11:00: Children’s RE and Youth class
11:00 AM - 11:15ish: Children and youth attend service virtually through the Time for All Sages. (outdoors)
11:15ish - noon: Children /Youth will play on the playground and hang out, while parents live stream the service.
Covid-19 Accommodations
Bring your mask: Although masks are not required outdoors by GNUUC policy if social distancing can be maintained, we are aware that children do not always follow social distancing guidelines. For this reason, we will continue to wear masks, unless teachers provide a mask break based on social distancing.
The CRE building will be open for restrooms. One family in the building at a time. Doors will be left open for ventilation.
If it rains, look for text directions in case the event is cancelled.