December 4, 2024

“Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.” 
~ Maya Angelou


December, with all its variety of Northern-hemisphere winter holidays like Hannukkah, the feast days of the Christian saints Lucia and Nicholas, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, and Christmas, along with others like the SE Asian festivals of light that come in February, typically pushes us to celebrate light in the darkest part of the calendar year. I typically push back a bit against what can seem like an overemphasis on light by relishing the restfulness and enticing mystery of darkness. 

Right now, cherishing and protecting, spreading and encouraging light seems important, perhaps even vital. So, while I definitely would encourage you to notice and engage the darkness of the next few weeks, maybe also light a candle in the early evening to remind yourself that light in the midst of darkness is particularly sweet. Or resolve to notice and enjoy both sunrise and sunset on the same day–it’s never easier to do than this time of year! Or have a listen to this fine song by our friend Lea Morris (recorded by the Indianapolis Women’s Chorus). 

Yours in the comfort of dark and the sweetness of light,
Rev. Denise 

P.S. We will, as is our custom, celebrate Christmas Eve with a service full of music and reflection and ending in candlelight. Be on the lookout for details about that service and another GNUUC custom of sharing dinner at our favorite Chinese buffet!

MinisterDenise Gyauch