December 11, 2024

“A Crooked Road” 
– Darrell Scott


I apparently picked up some germs about a week ago, and I’ve been hunkered down at home almost that long, recovering from COVID. Thankfully, it’s been an altogether uneventful case, and I’m glad to be out of quarantine now, though still a bit tired. 

So not much of a love note from me this week, just the song linked above. 

Oh, and a reminder that this Sunday, Rev. Diane Dowgiert from First UU and I are engaging in the old, revered congregationalist practice of pulpit exchange–meaning she will be in the pulpit at GNUUC, while I will be preaching at FUUN. I am looking forward to seeing old friends at FUUN, and I hope you will enjoy the company and wisdom of my dear colleague. 

Yours in walking the crooked road with old friends and new,
Rev. Denise 

P.S. Our Christmas Eve service will begin at 4:30 pm, although you are encouraged to arrive earlier to enjoy special musical offerings.

P.P.S. To my knowledge no one has yet volunteered to make reservations for dinner after the service. Let me know if you pick up this easy ( just one phone call to a business that remembers & enjoys us!) volunteer task.

MinisterDenise Gyauch