January 8, 2025
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, and creativity.
It is the source of hope, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.”
- Brené Brown
Dear Ones,
If Brené says vulnerability leads to such good things, then vulnerability is what I wish most for all of us in this new year!
And if that sounds scary (and it may well, at least a little), I’d like to point out that one of the best gifts of a congregation like ours is repeated opportunities to practice vulnerability together–which we do every Sunday in sharing Joys & Concerns, and which last Sunday’s New Year ritual with our magic burning bowl also invited, as we released the old and invited the new in our hearts and lives. Thank you all for participating so honestly and generously. (And if you didn’t get a chance to play with us, I have a few slips of that “magic” paper left over; come see me & we can burn something together!)
I am told that my joy in lighting things on fire showed on my face Sunday morning; in fact, I feel a much longer-burning satisfaction in creating and recreating spaces and times for us to gather and practice being human together. I am grateful to have such good company!
Yours in vulnerability and joy and courage,
Rev. Denise