Dec. 7, 2022

“Ooooo, I wonder…”

Dear Ones,

This week is unseasonably warm, but dark, rainy, and, well, very Nashville-in-winter-y. I’m not quite feeling the up side of the winter holidays right this moment, but I am thinking about our Soul Matters monthly theme of Wonder. This is good weather for wondering–will we be able to see the full moon this evening? Will I be able to get my errand done before it starts raining again? Which jacket is just the right weight for this strange weather? 

Beyond my tiny, daily wonderings, this last month of the calendar year is a good season for wondering all sorts of things:

-I wonder if our Christmas Eve service will be as special this year as it was last year (when we were still brand new to being out in public during pandemic season). And I wonder if the traditional dinner to follow at a local restaurant will be as fun as I hear it has always been!

-I wonder how our nation will fare under the newly-elected Congress.

-I wonder what’s ahead for Greater Nashville UU: What will we learn together in the new year? What new projects will we start? Who will we serve? What adventures will we share? 

-I wonder how you are: How is it with your spirit? Your body? Your heart? I wonder if you know how honored I feel when you share your life, thoughts, feelings with me and how grateful I am that you share with and support each other. 

-I wonder what we, individually and collectively, most need and want in the coming months and how we can help each other to recognize, ask for, and experience what we yearn for and whatever we need most to thrive. 

As the duo MaMuse sings, “Ooooooo, I am filled with wonder!”  

If you are too, or if perhaps you’re looking for space to encounter or reflect on wonder in your own life, please see the announcements below and consider joining our affiliate minister Rev. Dr. Michelle Pederson in the new year for an adult religious education series exploring a variety of spiritual practices. 

Yours in the dark or the light, but always in wonder,

Rev. Denise

Rev. Denise Gyauch