Dec. 14, 2022

“I will light candles…”
–Howard Thurman


I woke up this morning needing to take a nap. I’ll bet you have days like this sometimes, too. I was overbusy yesterday, stayed busy until late in the evening, and didn’t sleep enough. It doesn’t help that today is a dark, drizzly day, so I’m lighting a candle to keep me company as I do a few things that must get done, and then …

I am going to take a nap. In the middle of the day.  

Because I’ll be busy again this evening, and I’ll be much more use to everyone else in my life rested than I would be if I pushed through a pile of tasks on caffeine.

Because I am fortunate enough in this season of my life to have significant control over how I spend my time.

Because “Rest is Resistance” to capitalism and white supremacy culture and other dehumanizing forces in our world. (Have you heard of Tricia Hersey’s Nap Ministry?  You’re welcome.)

I hope you are not overbusy this season, but if or, more realistically, when you are, maybe just stop for a bit and rest however and wherever you can. Even just a few moments of silence and stillness can shift your day and change the world. 

Yours in candlelight and napping (but not at the same time!),

Rev. Denise

P.S. I do hope you are planning to join us on Christmas Eve at 3:30 p.m. (in the sanctuary or on Zoom) for a celebration of light, with music and readings and candles for all!