This Year: Participate in the UUA Common Read!

This year Greater Nashville UU is going to participate in the UUA Common Read. A Common Read invites participants to read and discuss the same book in a given period of time. It can build community in our congregations and our movement by giving diverse people a shared experience, shared language, and a basis for deep, meaningful conversations. This year we will be reading: Justice on Earth: People of Faith Working at the Intersections of Race, Class, and Environment, edited by Manish Mishra-Marzetti and Jennifer Nordstrom (Skinner House Books, 2018). Find at First discussion date: October 28, 2018, 9:30 - 10:30 AM.

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How Would You Like Communications?

We often hear that people “do not have time” to read the newsletter, and believe that the time has come to let go of this traditional monthly format in favor of more brief and timely communications. What is most helpful to you in terms of communications from GNUUC? Please email Rev. Carmen Emerson and Kris Thresher, Office Administrator to let us know.

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Know Someone Who Needs a Meal?

Do you know of someone in the congregation that could benefit from meals during a time of need? Meal Train is a great way that we can coordinate to provide meals on specific dates. If you can volunteer to make meals on occasion, let Kris Thresher know and we'll include you on the next Meal Train request. It is all coordinated via email. Only sign up for dates you are able to provide.

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