Community Spring Festival & Pot Luck
Date: Sunday, April 17, 2022
Time: 11 AM - 12:30 AM
Location: Outdoors at GNUUC
No Zoom service this Sunday.
Rain location: Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.
Come celebrate Spring with us!
During this combined Worship/CRE event we will have a short meditation, then fun activities for all ages.
There will be an egg hunt.
Plus several activity stations with fun for all ages.
Bring a Donation for the Bellevue Community Food Bank.
MOST NEEDED ITEMS: Coffee * Kid’s Juice Boxes * Boxed Milk * Laundry Detergent * Hand Soap * Individually Packaged Paper Towels * Individually Packaged Toilet Paper (4 or 6 roll packages) * Men’s Deodorant * Women’s Deodorant * Velvetta Macaroni & Cheese (or other brand that doesn’t require milk and butter) * Q-tips * Black-Eyed Peas * Pasta Sides * Dishwashing Soap * Toothpaste * Toothbrushes * Kleenex * Fruit Snacks * Zatarain’s Rice * Gravy * Cookies * Applesauce (jars) *Green Beans * Hot Chocolate * Cooking Oil * Syrup * Crackers * Mixed Vegetables * Snacks * Kid’s Cereal
WE CANNOT ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING ITEMS DUE TO CURRENT SURPLUS: * Canned Tuna * Canned Chicken * Canned Corn * Pasta Noodles * Pasta Sauce * Soups * Cheerios * Macaroni & Cheese (with powered cheese that requires milk and butter) * Expired Foods (2021 or earlier)
Bring a Potluck Item to Share for Lunch
Let’s share a meal together! Bring a pot luck item to share for lunch. We’ll have tables, chair, and paperware available. Plus Coffee and Lemonade.
Please note that the kitchen at GNUUC is currently not operational. Bring items that can be easily distributed and any serving tools. Plan to take home your dirty dishes.
Stay After Lunch to help us move CRE and Fellowship Hall Items
We are renting a POD to hold items during are building improvements. We need many volunteers who can stay after lunch and help us load items into the POD.