“Where you belong is where you choose to constantly choose to show up.”
One of the best things about ministry (small “m” by which I mean yours as well as my large “M” Ministry) is that it makes us continue to learn about our own selves, even as we give of those selves to others.
We are always being offered ways to grow! It’s just that, normally, we pass them by. One reason travel makes us feel alive is that we are noticing, observing and immersing ourselves in the world we encounter. What if we did that in our day to day, ho-hum lives?
I wrote a chapter for the UUA book called Faithful Practices, in which I describe my social media use as a way of being present, of noticing, and a kind of worship. When I take photos of something that is at once ordinary and extraordinary, I look at the world around me with wonder and sometimes, awe.
But this month, we are talking about Belonging. Awe is our topic for December!
What makes a person decide that this particular church/congregation is the one to which they belong?
Do we belong to the church or does it belong to us?
What does it mean to join the church?
Upon my first visit to a UU congregation, 31 years ago this month, I knew that this was where I belonged. I’d always been drawn to church-like things, but the ones I’d spent time attending weren’t right for me. I felt like a sham when I repeated the words of the Nicene Creed or joined in the liturgy. Even though most of my sojourns had been in progressive, Anglican churches, I felt like running out the door. I was betraying my spirit by my presence there.
It’s important for me that newcomers and visitors feel welcomed, affirmed, and acknowledged. That we exercise hospitality as we would at our own home.
That they have the information they need to make a decision about whether to return, get involved, and ultimately to become members.
Here at GNUUC, our Membership process is in a bit of flux. Our greeters do a fine job of making that initial contact, and I appreciate their work. I need a few people who feel passionate about this to work together with me on answering these questions and making decisions about where we need more structure. Be aware that you don’t have to be an extrovert to be a Membership Team leader. As I’ve mentioned, my true nature is very introverted! What you do need, besides a passion, is a willingness to learn about the technology we have in place, willingness to show up for meetings, be they online or in person, and, most of all, the ability to follow through on tasks you agree to do. If you feel you might be interested, let me know via e-mail, text, or in person!
Keep showing up! See you this Sunday, or soon.
With gratitude, Cynthia
P.S. My sermon from Sunday and the links to sources can be found at my blog, www.ajerseygirlinkentucky.blogspot.com