Despite the hot weather, blooms are still going strong in the memorial garden.
Read MoreThanks to those who attended the Day of Power and Prayer this past Sunday! NOAH, MICAH, and CALEB brought people together from across the state to hear about our broken education funding system and the value of nurses, counselors, and social workers in our schools. Those present signed a letter to Governor Lee, letting him know that we want change!
Read MoreOn Sunday, August 15 at 2:00 pm CT, NOAH, alongside our sister organizations, MICAH in Memphis and CALEB in Chattanooga, will draw attention to issues adversely impacting Tennessee’s public school students. Show up to support legislation to fund more social workers, more counselors, and more nurses in our schools! This action is both in-person and virtual.
Read MoreThe garden needs your help! Sandy B needs assistance in the garden. This would be a great opportunity for a student group or covenant group to volunteer. The weather is amazing and it is a perfect time to get some work done in the shade.
Read MoreThe Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services, and counseling, for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth. It provides crisis counseling free of charge, 24/7, by phone, instant messaging, and texting, making sure LGBTQ youth who need support are not alone and have a safe place to turn in times of crisis.
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July Shared Ministries Reopening Survey
Please fill out one form per family. All information is confidential and will only be shared in summary form. If you need help filling out this form, contact Kris T. and she can help you.
This survey has three purposes:
We are gathering general vaccination information about your family. No names will be collected and individual responses will not be shared. The purpose of this section is to determine if we have 70% of the congregation vaccinated at this point.
We are gathering feedback on your family's comfort level with meeting in-person, either outdoors or indoors, starting this fall.
If you are a parent/guardian with children in our CRE program, or if you are interested in teaching, being a classroom helper, or facilitating youth in the fall, we are gathering information about Fall Programming.
New blooms in our garden today are pale pink Rose of Sharon, our white Rose of Sharon, and our Bee Balm.
Read MorePlease join us for a virtual walk through the Memorial Garden with Sandy and Jane while they share the meaning of the garden and its plants.
Read MoreThis month we have decided to raise funds for a social action partner organization in memory of Charles Sumner, dedicated to GNUUC social action for decades. The natural choice is the Nashville Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, an organization Charles founded, where he was honored as president emeritus. All funds raised will go to AU.
Donate on-line easily:
Read MoreOur guest has moved out of the church and is in an apartment in Nashville. Thank you to all who helped both physically and monetarily to make our guest’s stay successful and his move an easy process..
Read MoreTune in next week for more stunning visuals from the memorial gardens.
Read MoreChildren's RE is returning to onsite summer fun Sundays in June! Children's RE is returning to onsite summer fun Sundays! CRE will be outdoors. CRE will be from 10:15 - 11:00. Then the children and youth will attend service virtually through the Time for All Sages. Then, they will play on the playground while parents live stream the service. The dates we have chosen are June 27, July 18, August 8, and August 29! For details see the Events calendar for specific dates.
Read More“Given our nation’s history of genocide, slavery, and inequitable life outcomes based on race as well as the role race has played historically and continues to play in the death penalty system, we (TADP) believe it is imperative that we incorporate a racial equity lens and bring a commitment to racial justice into our work to end the death penalty.”
Read MoreThe Worship Team needs wisdom and wonder that only YOU can provide.
Read MoreFor me, the first time I heard of K and his need for emergency shelter was on April 22nd at the GNUUC board meeting, although others in Social Action and leadership had already begun plans for GNUUC to provide sanctuary - a place of refuge and safety - to a new member of our community in desperate need.
Read MoreSome weeks are busier than others, in the world, in our lives, and in the congregation. For GNUUC, this was one of those weeks.
The 5/23/2021 Sunday Service included the Annual Meeting, with about 30 attendees. Within this meeting, Nathanael Reveal and others provided an update on the ministerial search, presented the proposed GNUUC budget and slate of GNUUC board officers for the 2021-2022 operational year.
Read MoreThe Mayor has presented his budget for Metro to the Metro Council. The Council will make changes that they think are important. A budget must be adopted by June 30. If we want real change in affordable housing, the Council must hear from us NOW and throughout June – while they will be negotiating with one another!
Read MoreA joyful visit with Jane was a delight.
Read MorePlease offer feedback on the proposed "Emergency Shelter" policy.
Read MorePlease offer feedback on the proposed "Outdoor Gathering" policy.
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