Posts in Community
NOAH Public Meetings

Turn out to NOAH's second public meeting on October 20th!

NOAH will host a Candidate Showdown on October 20, for US Congressional Districts 5, 6, and 7 - all of which include a portion of Davidson County. Location is TBD.

Although NOAH focuses on city-level work, it is important that Nashvillians know where ALL their representatives stand on key issues. Join us on Sunday, October 20, at 3:00 pm to hear directly from your candidates!

Spread the word by sharing the flyer and the registration link:

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Board Meeting Summary - September 2024

Discussion about facility use and renters

Board service on October 27 will include vision ideas from the retreat and include the congregation

Discussion about the Board service

Work on it over Slack in between Board meetings
Give Congregation advance notice of participatory details (announcement during What’s Next? 1-2 Sundays before)

Nathaneal Reveal has resigned as Board Secretary

Next Board meeting: Oct​. 16

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Greeters wanted! Please volunteer to join the Greeters Team at GNUUC.

Our congregational covenant charges us to make a welcoming better to do this than by welcoming newcomers, members, and friends to our congregation with a warm smile and kind words. Please sign up for a Sunday or several Sundays. The yellow Greeter Folder and greeter name badges are kept at the front entry table. Please read the general guidelines, leave your contact information, and initial on the spreadsheet, the Sunday or Sundays you would be available to greet. You can also sign up online by contacting Claire. If you have any questions, please contact Carol L. Thank you for serving our congregation!

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Save the Date: Sat., Sept. 28 - Sun., Sept. 29: UU Climate Justice Revival Workshop Weekend

GNUUC is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice on Saturday, September 28, 2004 (10:00 am to 2:00 pm). Then, on Sunday, September 29, we will have a special Worship Service to celebrate our participation, plus have an Advocacy hour call to action!

Saturday Registration is Required

People can sign up in three ways:

1. Meetup

2. GNUUC Slack2024_climate_justice_revival

3. GNUUC Sunday Lunch: On Sundays during lunch at Greater Nashville UU Congregation.

Volunteers Needed

We are currently recruiting volunteers to be facilitators, timekeepers and to provide refreshments. Facilitators don’t need to be climate experts or facilitation experts! Facilitators need to be able to guide discussions, manage group dynamics, and foster an inclusive environment.

If you can volunteer, reach out to Caren.

Click Read More below to see more information about Saturday activities and about facilitator volunteering.

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Make Your Plan to Vote! 

“The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it.” (John Lewis)  

The deadline to register for the November 5 election is October 7! Even if you are already registered, please check now to make sure you have not been purged from the rolls. More information about voting is below.

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Welcome to a New Year of Soul Matters Themes!

This year’s overarching frame is The Practices of Our Faith.

We’re using this frame to focus on how Unitarian Universalism is a lived faith that inspires us to act, live, and love our values out in the world. Or to put it another way, we’re diving into our long-loved commitment to “deeds not creeds.”

Our overarching frame is also a way for us to connect to our new UU core value of Liberating Love, with each of our monthly themes framed as a practice that help us embody liberating love in our daily lives.

Click Read More to see this year's themes....

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CommunityKris Thresher
September 2024 Share the Plate: Nashville Cares AIDS Walk. Donate and/or Join the Walk on October 19!

At GNUUC we have a long-standing tradition of supporting Nashville CARES through our enthusiastic participation in its annual AIDS Walk fundraising. Their mission is to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Middle Tennessee.

Our Team Goal is to raise $500 through Share the Plate in September to sponsor our Team at the AIDS Walk on October 19 at Shelby Park at 7:30 AM.

All September Share the Plate donations under $100 will be split 50/50 between sponsoring our Team and Greater Nashville UU's plate.

All September Share the Plate donations over $100 will go 100% to support our GNUUC team for the Nashville AIDS Walk.

To join our Team of Walkers (or runners - there is a 5K run), or to donate directly any amount to our team online, go to: Greater Nashville UU Congregation (GNUUC) Team

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Board Meeting Summary - August 21, 2024

The GNUUC Board met on August 21, 2024 to discuss various matters related to church operations and planning. Key points included:

1 - Financial Update: The church ended the 2023-2024 fiscal year with income $2,431 over expenses, avoiding the need to move funds from contingency. This positive outcome was largely due to rental income from A New Leaf. For the current fiscal year (2024-2025), 34% of pledges have already been paid.

2 - Board Retreat: A retreat is scheduled for August 31st from 11am-2pm. Board members will bring mixed media items for a group project.

3 - Board Service: The board will lead the service on October 27th, which will be followed by a shared ministries meeting.

4 - Greeters: Carol shared insights from UUA greeter training and suggested implementing a monthly rotation for greeters. The board discussed incorporating safety training into the greeter role.

5 - Memorial Garden: The board discussed concerns about the Memorial Garden space.

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Women’s Group Food Drive in August for the Bellevue Community Food Bank

Last day for donations is this Sunday!

The GNUUC Women’s Group is sponsoring a food drive in August.  Please bring items to church in paper or plastic bags.  Please check the “best by” or expiration date on any donations. The food bank cannot accept anything past those dates. Leave your donations on the table against the wall farthest from the kitchen.

Here is a link to the Bellevue Community Food Bank.  Needed items are listed there as well as items they cannot accept.

Let’s help our neighbors who are food insecure.

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Share the Plate for July: Americans United for Separation of Church and State: ‘Freedom Without Favor, Equality Without Exception’

Americans United for Separation of Church and State is a nonpartisan educational and advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the separation of religion and government as the only way to ensure freedom of religion, including the right to believe or not believe, for all. Please donate to Americans United through Share the Plate in July, defending freedom of religion, and freedom of belief.

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Rev. Denise on Vacation for Month of July

Rev. Denise Gyauch will be on vacation for the entire month of July (July 1-31). During that time, our wonderful affiliated ministers, the Revs. Dr. Michelle Pederson and Cynthia Stewart will be available for pastoral emergencies. If you find yourself needing to talk with a minister, please contact the church office by email ( or phone (615-673-7699; leave a voicemail message). Our administrator, Kris, will connect you with the minister on call.

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Wed, June 12, 6:30 PM: Nashville Pride Spirituality at First UU

Rev. Denise will be leading a meditation during the event. This interfaith community-wide service will lift up how we all find our sacredness. We’ll share traditions and rituals from our respective groups. And much singing and love will be shared. Sunday Assembly, Music City Sisters, The Table, Congregation Micah, Covenant of the Cross, Nashville in Harmony, Nashville Pagan Coven, FUUN, and Major Minors will be present. Come celebrate and be celebrated. Sponsored by Nashville Pride.

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Tue., June 18: 6:30 PM: NOAH Banquet, Keynote Speaker Dr. Michael Eric Dyson! “A Decade of Justice: Building a Legacy and Charting a Way Forward”

Join us for a fun-filled night to commemorate a decade of NOAH on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at the Boone Convocation Center on the campus of Trevecca Nazarene University, 333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville TN 37210. The theme is "A Decade of Justice: Building a Legacy and Charting a Way Forward." We are hosting our biggest celebration yet, with dinner (including a vegan option) and live music, plus a special presentation from our keynote speaker Dr. Michael Eric Dyson! For tickets contact Nancy or Doug.

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June 22 - 23: Nashville Pride Festival & Parade

Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park
Saturday June 22, 2024 (11a-9p)
Sunday June 23, 2024 (11a-7p)

The Nashville Pride Festival returns to Bicentennial Park on Saturday June 22nd and Sunday June 23rd. Nashville Pride is a two-day LGBTQI+ festival featuring top-rated entertainment on multiple stages, a Kids and Family Area, Youth Area, Community Art Installations, and over 225 vendors featuring local not for profits, artists, and businesses.

Nashville Pride is committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for all members of the LGBTQI+ community.

Tickets start at $10. Ages 10 and under do not require a ticket to attend

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June Share the Plate Partner is Anera - Gaza Emergency Response

Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in Palestine (West Bank and Gaza), Lebanon and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate emergency relief and for sustainable, long-term health, education, and economic development. Our staff serve in their communities, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most.

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Auction and Italian Dinner Success in 2024

This year's GNUUC auction exceeded our goal bringing in over $8000! Sincere thanks go out to all our members who donated food or auction items, attended the auction lunch or bought items at the auction.  It was a fun event, and we all helped with the church's budget!

Seats are still available at the Ken Sizemore concert on June 9 and the Roger Wiesmeyer recital on August 18. Email for more information.

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