So what have NOAH’s task forces been accomplishing? They have been working on Affordable Housing, Education, Criminal Justice, and Economic Equity & Jobs. NOAH’s vision is for Nashville to be a city that is anti-racist and just and equitable for all people. Here a link to NOAH’s accomplishments and progress.
Read MoreRecently, House Speaker Cameron Sexton appointed Laurie Cardoza-Moore, a notorious bigot, to the Tennessee Textbook Commission. A diverse group of interfaith leaders are uniting in opposition and asking for her appointment to be rescinded because of her anti-Muslim rhetoric and promotion of false historical narratives. And they are asking us to join them in signing on to their letter.
Read MoreOur December Share the Plate partner is the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee Guest At Your Table Program. UUSC works around the world to promote human rights and social justice, transforming UU values into action. This year marks GNUUC’s 26th year of participating in the Guest at Your Table program. Our primary fundraiser for UUSC is our Share the Plate program.
Read MoreSome suggestions for material donations for Room In The Inn. Look in the attic and the cupboards.
Read MoreSome of us were able to attend the Palmer Lecture last Saturday, where we heard Rasheedat Fetuga, founder and CEO of Gideon’s Army, speak on Healing Justice. She described the inspiration driving her life’s work on behalf of children and the ongoing progress in bringing restorative justice practices to MNPS and the community. You can view the presentation here.
Read MoreFor the past several years, GNUUC has volunteered in RITI’s Winter Shelter program. We are sad that we aren’t able to do this during the pandemic. The pandemic is increasing homelessness, threatening the health of the homeless, and making providing services to the homeless more difficult. They can use our financial support all the more this year. Please give generously!
Read MoreThank you to everyone who attended NOAH’s annual public meeting, “The Fierce Urgency of NOW”, last Sunday! Here is a link to a recording of the event, in case you missed it (or just want to relive it!). Here are links to two news stories about the event, one in the Tennessean and one by WSMV.
GNUUC joined with NOAH organization members throughout Nashville to strive for 100% registration and voting among all eligible members. Thanks to everyone who participated in our GNUUC Voter Challenge. We will be reporting at the NOAH Public Meeting this Sunday that at least 96% of our people are committed to voting! Read more>>
Read MoreWe exist solely to help lgbtq+ children in need to feel safe, secure and valued. Every decision we make is in service to them.
Read MoreGNUUC is joining NOAH organization members throughout Nashville to strive for 100% registration and voting among all eligible members. Please help us reach our goal by completing the pledge. “The vote is the most powerful nonviolent change agent you have in a democratic society. You must use it because it is not guaranteed. You can lose it.” (John Lewis)
Read MoreAre you or someone you know struggling to pay rent due to a COVID-19-related job loss or reduction? Good news! Affordable Housing Resources, a local non-profit, may be able to help you.
Read More"Peace be with you" is a traditional greeting in Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic traditions. But this "peace" is not just the absence of conflict. It means "completeness," "wholeness," and having what you need. Many Nashvillians are desperate for peace, for wholeness, in the COVID-19 economic crisis – especially those facing eviction.
Read MoreGNUUC has a long-standing tradition of community outreach, in our annual fundraising to support the work of Nashville CARES.
Read MoreThe deadline to register to vote in the November 3 election is October 5. To register or update your registration online, go here. (You must have voted in person at least one time or registered in person at the Davidson County Election Commission, in order to vote absentee.) To make sure you have not been purged, check your registration status. Early voting will start on October 14 and run through October 29. If you plan to vote in person, go early!
Read MoreA BIG THANK YOU to all who have donated to “Share the Plate” in June and July! In June we raised $395.50 for the Mayor’s COVID-19 Response Fund. In July we raised $511 for Black Lives Matter. Everyone remember to contribute to UU the Vote in August - we have one Sunday left!
Read MoreSign up to work this election cycle
Read MoreMayor Cooper Requests Community Input on New Chief of Police
Read MoreUU the Vote is asking for funds to enable grants of $500 to congregations which have some innovative plans to get out the vote. The request is for $120,000 to facilitate another million contacts on top of the hundreds of thousands made so far.
Read MoreOnly when Black Lives truly Matter in Metro Nashville Public Schools, will there be racial equity in schools, all schools providing a high-quality education. NOAH is hosting virtual meetings in July to introduce the public to the candidates for School Board. Register Here. Candidates will be asked to address issues facing MNPS in advance of School Board elections on August 6.
Read MoreIn 2013, three radical Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi — created a Black-centered political will and movement building project called #BlackLivesMatter.
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