All Members and Friends: Fill out Congregational Survey Today!

Please take time to fill out the GNUUC Congregational Survey. We are gathering information on your thoughts about meeting in person in small groups or large groups (with social distancing and masks), your technology needs, and your level of interesting in participation in Worship, Team, and Fellowship events this Fall. We would like all members and friends to participate. If you have any questions, contact Kristin R. or Rev. Cynthia Cain. Thank you for taking your time to contribute! The Shared Ministries Team

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Welcome to the Fall 2020 Worship Series

To kick-off our Fall Programming, on August 9, the Board will be speaking on "Vision of Ministry for 2020." At this worship service, the Board will present its Vision of Ministry for the 2020 church year. They will highlight some of the great work that's ongoing in support of that vision. In addition, they will extend an invitation for folks to work with Rev. Cynthia and come up with new ideas to help with that vision. These are difficult times that call for creative ways to support each other and our neighbors. On August 9, we are also pleased to have our Minister, Rev. Cynthia Cain, back from vacation. She will be leading the remaining August services to encapsulate the vision of ministry.

Worship this fall will continue to use the Soul Matter themes.

Starting in September, the first Sunday of the month will be in inter-generational family service that introduces the monthly theme. The 2nd and 3rd Sundays will be done by our minister, Rev. Cynthia Cain. The 4th Sunday we will have a guest speaker.

Services will remain virtual until further notice. The Board is continuing to monitor the COVID-19 statistics and will let us know when these plans change.

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